Best Made Videos®
In business since 2013
Available for weddings, live events, kickstarter videos, and more. Shooting videos and having fun all over the pacific northwest and beyond. Let us share your story with the world. We simply make the best videos around!
Best Made Videos® is one of the wedding videographers in Seattle and offers wedding videography services.
Wedding Videography Packages and Prices
We are happy to put together a package for you. The exact price depends on several factors such as the date of the event, specific services included, number of hours spent at the event, etc.
Below are some sample packages. Most packages (and pricing) can be customized to fit your needs and budget. You can either book an existing package or click Price a Package to create a custom one.
10 Hour Wedding Videography Package Wedding Videography Package
5-10 min wedding highlight video (approximate)20-45 min wedding ceremony video (approximate)2 wedding videographersRaw wedding video of your ENTIRE wedding day including getting ready, toasts, ceremony and reception delivered via digital filesLegally licensed music for your wedding videoPrivate online secure video hosting of your wedding video and wedding ceremony, perfect for sharing