We’re there to capture the atmosphere of the day so you can re-live it. We use a photo journalistic element. The look of love in a person’s eye, the intricacies of your dress and how it flows on you, the embrace you hold when no one is looking. Our goal is to capture missed moments, small details, and organic emotions. It’s our job to make sure we’re telling your story the best and most beautiful way we can. We love dramatic shots, and keep this aesthetic consistent throughout our work. We want you to know that what we are producing is organic and authentic.
Mirar Media is one of the wedding videographers in Oak Park and offers wedding videography services.
Wedding Videography Packages and Prices
We are happy to put together a package for you. The exact price depends on several factors such as the date of the event, specific services included, number of hours spent at the event, etc.
Most packages and pricing can be customized to fit your needs and budget. Click below to get a personalized quote.