T Poz Photography

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I'm fun-loving and spontaneous with a fast & furious shooting style! I can hold my own against your crazy groomsmen & their jokes, and I'll feel like I'm BFF with you & your bridesmaids by the end of the day! I spend most of my free time volunteering as a photographer/dog walker at my local animal shelter - BARCS, and the hubs is never surprised when I come home with a new foster dog!

T Poz Photography is one of the wedding photographers in Baltimore and offers wedding photography services.

Wedding Photography Packages and Prices

We are happy to put together a package for you. The exact price depends on several factors such as the date of the event, specific services included, number of hours spent at the event, etc.

Most packages and pricing can be customized to fit your needs and budget. Click below to get a personalized quote.


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